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ICC Austria - Home

Coming off the largest edition of GTR MENA ever in 2024 with a record 1,136 attendees, GTR are thrilled to be returning to Dubai in 2025 on February 18-19.

The annual two-day conference will provide high value networking opportunities, enabling delegates to catch up with industry friends, forge new business connections and meet with highly esteemed exhibitors from leading trade service providers across the Middle East and North Africa. Over 80 industry experts will explore the latest trends and developments, highlighting both challenges and opportunities whilst offering future projections of the market.


Discussion topics include:

  • Leadership, innovation and sustainability: Driving economic growth through empowerment
  • Diversification, state support and ‘flight to quality’: The commodity financing melting pot
  • Delivering trade growth: Do banks need to less cautious?
  • Opening new doors for trade: The corporate perspective
  • Milestones reached but challenges ahead: How can digital reach the parts others can’t?
  • Is supply chain finance on a downward curve?

Event features:

  • 45+ exhibitors
  • 5+ hours of networking opportunities with key stakeholders in the industry
  • Unparalleled expertise from 80+ speakers
  • Exceptional content on topics and regions covered
  • Enhanced networking with opportunities to schedule meetings and swap business cards
  • Invitation to the evening networking reception

Don’t miss your chance to join the unrivalled opportunity to catch up with old friends and build those crucial new market connections at what is set to be an excellent conference.


Visit to download the event agenda and view the list of confirmed speakers and delegates.


We look forward to seeing you there!