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19 - 20 November
Marriott Vienna, Austria
ICC Austria is delighted to be partnering with TXF for the upcoming Export Finance Dealmakers Assembly in Vienna this 19 - 20 November. This is a networking-focused event that drives new business, strengthens ties with existing clients and supports deal-origination. It will bring you over 350 of the most relevant dealmakers from borrowers, exporters, ECAs, DFIs, lenders, insurers and more from across sectors and regions, for the most valuable networking event of the year!
This year’s agenda features keynote sessions each morning, focussed workshops, unstructured networking, and structured networking focus groups to delve deeper into subject areas with the executives you need to meet. View the full agenda and all speakers here:
Additionally, the event features TXF DACH 2024 - German, Swiss and Austrian export finance sessions which will also take place in English. The DACH component is co-hosted with Euler Hermes, SERV & OeKB.
ICC Austria has secured a limited number of free complimentary tickets to borrowers and exporters. To apply for a pass please click here or contact marketing(at) for more details.
Visit the event website: