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ICC Austria - Home


There are several ways to move around in Vienna - one of the world`s safest cities. Within the inner city, public transport and walking are the best choices.

Walking distance to public transport facilities near the meeting venue
Underground line U1 (to Karlsplatz and the inner city): 5 minutes
Tram line 1 (to large parts of the Ring Strasse) and further tram lines, bus 13A (to Vienna Central Station or Mariahilfer Strasse): 2 minutes

Transport hubs: Karlsplatz - 20 min, Vienna Central Station - 15 min


Public Transport

Clean, inexpensive and safe, bus, tram and underground lines offer excellent service to all parts of the city.

  • Single Trip Ticket:
    Eur 2.40 in the Vienna Transport Authority´s ticket offices, ticket machines (underground) or
    Eur 2.60 on the vehicle itself
  • Day Tickets: Valid throughout Vienna for exactly 24, 48 or 72 hours from the time they are ‘punched’.
    Available online, in the Vienna Transport Authority´s ticket offices, tobacconists and ticket machines.
    24 hours: €  8.00
    48 hours: €  14.10
    72 hours: €  17.10
  • Weekly pass: Eur 19.70 (digital version, not transferable) or Eur 22,60 (paper version, transferable)
    Valid for 7 days
    Available online, in the Vienna Transport Authority´s ticket offices, tobacconists and ticket machines.

Find further information regarding tickets, routes, online-ticket-shop, etc., on:



Taxis can be found at convenient taxi stands throughout the city, usually near shopping streets, major tourist sites, transport transfer points etc. Naturally, the roof-sign labelled ‘Taxi’ distinguishes them from other traffic, and  all taxis are metered. Legitimate taxis will also have the suffix ‘TX’ on their license plate number.

Vienna International Airport

The best ways to reach the meeting venue are by railjet, bus or airport taxi:

  • Railjet (railway): station 15 minutes from the meeting venue (walking or bus, approx. 5 min by taxi)
    15 minutes ride from Vienna Airport to Vienna Central Station, every half hour from 6.30 am to midnight
    price: Eur 4.50 (single ride), tickets at the ticket machines on the platforms or online

  • Vienna Airport Lines (bus): station 15 minutes form the meeting venue (walking or bus, approx. 5 min by taxi)
    25 minutes ride from Vienna Airport to Vienna Central Station (line VAL 1), runs around the clock every half hour
    price: Eur 10.50 (single ride), Eur 17.50 (return) tickets online or directly form the driver

  • Airport taxi services:
    Several taxi and limousine companies offer airport services when booked in advance. Booking directly at the airport is also available but much more expensive.
    price: starting at Eur 39 for (offers a service desk directly at the airport)