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ICC Austria Award for Excellency


What it is:

ICC Austria rewards two outstanding graduates of the e-learning programme of the EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme ICC Austria with:

  • A fully funded participation of ICC Austria’s Trade Finance Week 2019 (20-24 May 2019); consisting of free access to the 15th Global Conference on Bank Guarantees, the 14th Global Conference on Letters of Credit as well as Case studies on LCs and Bank Guarantees as well as an Economy-return flight to Vienna and accommodation.


  • One free access passes to the ICC Austria’s Trade Finance Week 2019 (20-24 June 2019); consisting of free access to the 15th Global Conference on Bank Guarantees, the 14th Global Conference on Letters of Credit as well as Case studies on LCs and Bank Guarantees.

Why we created it:

To support young experts taking their next steps in their careers by facilitating their training via an unique collection of different topics including, the industries’ latest trends and developments as well as sessions that are designed to analyse the legal and practical issues of Trade finance instruments. The award enables them further to network with 400 colleagues from more than 40 different countries and supports them to identify and develop mentor relationships.


What the winners of 2017 said:


Ahmed Ismail of QNB ALAHLI, Egypt

‘’It was an honor and privilege to attend the ICC Trade Finance Week 2017 in Vienna, where I have met wonderful participants from all over the world who were actively involved, sharing their experiences and opinions not to mention the world’s top experts in Trade Community who were also very friendly, helpful, accepting all views by welcoming and understanding minds.


Topics were wisely selected to focus on practice rather than theory and discussions were open, welcomed, and encouraged by speakers

The knowledge and experience I gained throughout the event will definitely help me with my professional development in addition to expanding my network by having more connections with other professionals and colleagues within the trade community.


The event was very well set up and organized and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in EBRD & ICC Austria for this amazing invitation and of course for their great organization, hospitality, and assistance and I am looking forward to attend the future events.


I would highly recommend this conference for others who like to build up their trade finance career and keep up to date with the latest advances in global trade business ’’


What the winners of 2015 said:


Antonija Koceva of Komercijalna banka, FYR Macedonia
“I found the conference so useful because they covered the most current and relevant topics in trade finance. I am thrilled that I had the chance to hear such great experts as Georges Affaki, Andrea Hauptmann, Don Smith, Vincent O’Brien and Stephen Tricks, along with many more. It’s not every day you get the chance to listen to the top experts in trade finance.


Although you learn so much just from listening to the presentations, what I valued most was that all participants were actively involved, sharing their experiences, opinions and debating practical challenges with the speakers. On top of that, one day was reserved for case studies addressing practical challenges and providing hands-on solutions.


My personal highlight was the invitation to the speakers’ dinner where I had the chance to meet face to face the people I admire, whose expertise and accomplishments are an inspiration to me. I would like to thank the EBRD and ICC Austria for this amazing opportunity. Experiencing this week has opened up new horizons for me in my trade finance career.”


Amr El Kady of Emirates NBD, Egypt
“I was extremely privileged to win an invitation to attend Trade Finance Week organised by ICC Austria, where I was exposed to a vast array of trade finance topics. The varied sessions, which were excellent, looked at things such as the latest rules and case studies that offered practical solutions to everyday problems.


The event was very well organised and the people attending were exceptionally helpful and insightful. The knowledge I acquired throughout the event will aid me greatly with my professional development and further enhance my network with professionals and colleagues within the trade community.


I would highly recommend this professional conference to any colleagues who would like keep up to date with the latest advances in global trade business.”