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Derzeit in Ihrem Warenkorb: 0 Artikel (€ 0,00)
eBook: Arbitration - Money Laundering, Corruption and Fraud
Pub. Nr. e-651 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 741 | Sprache EN
€ 59,00
The ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook sets out the challenges which large, medium-sized and small companies have to overcome as they build and put into action their corporate compliance programme. This practical guide and training tool provides hands-on expertise from distinguished practitioners in the field of corporate integrity and compliance.

It offers practical guidance on performing a risk assessment, installing a whistleblowing system, exercising due diligence when selecting agents or intermediaries, and conducting internal investigations. It also covers setting up a training programme, engaging your Board of Directors in compliance efforts, drafting a Code of Conduct, setting up the best compliance system for your company, resisting solicitation and extortion, introducing the ICC Anti-corruption Clause in your contracts, mitigating compliance risks arising from joint ventures, and managing the transition to a clean commercial policy.

This book will be the tool of reference for managers, compliance officers, lawyers and anyone concerned with stamping out corruption and other anti-competitive practices, whether working in an SME in an emerging country or in a large corporate operating on different continents. The 17 chapters of this handbook were written by past and present compliance practitioners from leading ICC member companies, including Alstom, BP, EADS, Eni, GBI, General Electric, Lafarge, Novartis, Safran, Shell, SGS, Siemens and Thales.

€ 59,00
eBook: ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-741 | Sprache EN
€ 53,00

€ 53,00