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Derzeit in Ihrem Warenkorb: 0 Artikel (€ 0,00)
Internationaler Handel
ICC Guide to Export/Import - 5th edition
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 790 | Sprache EN
€ 65,00

€ 65,00
eBook: ICC Guide to Export/Import - 5th edition
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-790 | Sprache EN
€ 58,50

€ 58,50
eBook: Drafting and Negotiating International Commercial Contracts - 3rd edition
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-788 | Sprache EN
€ 112,50

€ 112,50
Using Franchising to take your business international: ICC strategies and guidance
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 754 | Sprache EN
€ 65,00

€ 65,00
eBook: Using Franchising to take your business international: ICC strategies and guidance
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-754 | Sprache EN
€ 59,00

€ 59,00
ICC-Muster Internationaler Kaufvertrag
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 2020D | Sprache DE
€ 92,52

€ 92,52
Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Volume I - International Trade
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 781 | Sprache EN
€ 65,00
This first volume on International Trade edited by Arthur Appleton and Patrick Macrory, is a most welcome addition to the publications on international trade law and policy.

Volume 1 of this series introduces business interests to the international and regional rules applicable to trade in goods and services, as well as to aspects of trade such as intellectual property rights and dispute settlement. Businesses that have an understanding of the history of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) will find it easier to appreciate how they can benefit economically from the international trade regime.

Volume 1 covers the following subject areas:

- Introduction to the world trading system, economic and political benefits of trade, structure and functioning of the WTO
- Fundamental rules governing international trade
- Customs issues including how customs authorities determine the amount of duties due on imports
- Non-tariff barriers
- WTO rules relating to subsidies
- How industries can obtain relief from imports causing them harm
- Rules applicable to trade in agricultural goods
- Government procurement
- Export Controls and Sanctions
- Rules applicable to Trade in Services, IP rights
- How disputes are settled in the WTO and regional trade agreements

The book also includes case studies showing how particular industries have used the rules to open foreign markets or to protect themselves from injurious imports.

The authors have worked hard to simplify the complex and technical subjects of trade and investment to make them more accessible. Technical subjects have been broken down into readily understandable language. Business guidance is provided in the form of Shaded Tip Boxes, as well as legal details in Text Boxes.

€ 65,00
eBook: Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Volume I - International Trade
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-781 | Sprache EN
€ 52,00

€ 52,00
Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Volume II - International Investment
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 795 | Sprache EN
€ 65,00

€ 65,00
eBook: Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Volume II - International Investment
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-795 | Sprache EN
€ 52,00

€ 52,00
Export & Import für die Praxis
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 1012 | Sprache DE
€ 90,00

€ 90,00