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Musterverträge | ||||
Before entering a business transaction, companies of all sizes have to consider how to protect sensitive information by drafting a non-disclosure agreement. As each company tries to build a confidentiality contract in its favour, the process may often cause long discussions, delays and higher transaction costs. In order to lower the time and efforts spent on negotiations, ICC has developed the ICC Model Confidentiality Agreement and ICC Model Confidentiality Clause. Aimed to assist business people and lawyers who are not necessarily experts on the subject, ICC offers a balanced cross-sectorial model taking into account interests of both disclosing and receiving parties. Moreover the ICC Models can be used in relation to all kinds of confidential information and a wide variety of business transactions. The ICC Model Confidentiality Agreement and ICC Model Confidentiality Clause provide to industry and commerce a common platform acceptable in different jurisdictions and countries. In 2016, the ICC Model Confidentiality Agreement and ICC Model Confidentiality Clause were carefully reviewed by the ICC’s Commission on Commercial Law and Practice and particularly by its Task Force on Confidentiality Agreements, to include the latest changes in practice. The print version of the Model includes a USB key presenting the text of the contract in a user friendly and fully editable format, allowing you to adapt the contract to your specific needs. | ||||