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Derzeit in Ihrem Warenkorb: 0 Artikel (€ 0,00)
ICC Model Contract International Sale (Manufactured Goods)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 811 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: ICC Model Contract International Sale (Manufactured Goods)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-811 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
ICC Model Mergers & Acquisitions Contract 1 - Share Purchase Agreement
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 656 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model Mergers & Acquisitions Contract 1 - Share Purchase Agreement
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-656 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model International Trademark Licence
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 673 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model International Trademark Licence
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-673 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model International Transfer of Technolgy Contract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 674 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model International Transfer of Technolgy Contract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-674 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model Subcontract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 706 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
ICC Model International Franchising Contract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 712 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model International Franchising Contract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-712 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
eBook: ICC Model Commercial Agency Contract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-766 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model Occasional Intermediary Contract - Non-circumvention Non-disclosure (NCND)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 769 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model Occasional Intermediary Contract - Non-circumvention Non-disclosure (NCND)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-769 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model Selective Distributorship Contract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 773 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model Selective Distributorship Contract
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-773 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model Confidentiality Agreement
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 774 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model Contract on Distributorship
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-776 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model Contract Consortium Agreement
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 779 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model Contract Consortium Agreement
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-779 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model Contract: Joint Venture
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 780 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model Contract - Joint Venture
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-780 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
eBook: ICC Short Form Model Contracts: International Commercial Agency and Distributorship
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-791 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00
Practice has shown that companies and businesses involved in international trade frequently use commercial agency and distributorship contracts to distribute their products abroad. However, users should bear in mind fundamental differences in purpose and substance between these contracts when deciding which one to choose. The publication ICC Short Form Model Contracts is a simplified contract intended for parties who do not want a detailed commercial agency contract or distributorship contract, but prefer a shorter simpler form covering only the most essential issues. It should be stressed that a "short form" contract will contain only provisions which cover the most typical issues arising between the parties and will not provide the choice of more sophisticated alternative provisions which might actually be more appropriate for some users. This revised publication complements two recently-revised models, the ICC Model Commercial Agency Contract(publication No. 766) and the ICC Model Distributorship Contract (publication No. 776). Revision of this model contract was prepared by a dedicated sub-group of the Agency and Distributorship Working Group under the auspices of the ICC Commission on Commercial Law and Practice, and was chaired by Fabio Bortolotti (Italy). The contract is provided in a fully editable format (both pdf or word) permitting you to easily adapt the contract to your specific case.

€ 62,00
ICC Model Contract International Consulting Services: Expanding into a new market
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 787 | Sprache EN
€ 69,00

€ 69,00
eBook: ICC Model Contract International Consulting Services: Expanding into a new market
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-787 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
ICC Model Turnkey Contract for Major Projects - 2020 Revision
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 797 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: ICC Model Turnkey Contract for Major Projects - 2020 Revision
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-797 | Sprache EN
€ 67,00

€ 67,00