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Drafting - import and export contracts

It is crucial that your international contracts are drafted and hedged very well. Unfortunately, many companies still dispatch their goods already after just an order via email and a bill of delivery (frequently using insufficient general terms and conditions as well). However, in difficult or complex legal jurisdictions it is more than advisable to not only rely on oral agreements but document every detail in a solid written contract, use the optimal ICC Incoterms (for risk distribution), agree on appropriate ways of financing, and carefully select the place of jurisdiction in order to ensure efficient enforceability.


ICC Austria and our international experts assist you

  • in drafting solid and internationally enforceable contracts (the international ICC model contracts will provide a good foundation)
  • with general terms and conditions, ICC Incoterms®
  • in selecting the specialized expert lawyer
  • the required documents and certificates for import and export, transport, insurance etc.
  • the optimal integration of the payment conditions into the import- export contract
  • with recommendations for your negotiation strategies
    • To set the foundation for a lasting relationship
    • To avoid future disputes
    • To avoid the have to pay bribes
  • with dispute prevention and enforcement if needed
  • in training your employees

For further information contact:

ICC Austria - International Chamber of Commerce

Wiedner Hauptstraße 57, 1040 Wien
Tel: +43-1-504 83 00
E-Mail: icc(at)icc-austria.org