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ICC Austria Nomination Committee

The ICC International Court of Arbitration® (“ICC Court”) or the ICC International Centre for ADR (ICC Centre) regularly invites ICC Austria to propose appropriate arbitrators, mediators or experts with the required qualifications to serve in each case. This process is administered by the ICC Austria Arbitration Nominations Commission, which interacts with the Secretariat of the ICC Court to enhance the appointment process.

If you are an arbitrator and would like to be considered for an ICC Arbitration, or have any questions about the process please contact the ICC Austria nominations committee.



Members of this Committee are:


Dr. Christoph Lindinger
Schönherr Rechtsanwälte


Mag. Martin Platte

Platte disputes.solutions


Mag. Ulrich Kopetzki



Dr. Maximilian Burger-Scheidlin
Senior Consultant ICC Austria


Mag. Paulus Krumpel
Executive Director ICC Austria


More members to come