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Derzeit in Ihrem Warenkorb: 0 Artikel (€ 0,00)
Einheitliche Richtlinien und Gebräuche für Dokumenten-Akkreditive (ERA 600)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 600 | Sprache DE,EN
€ 27,50

€ 27,50
UCP 600 - Uniform Rules and Practice for Documentary Credits - Including eUCP Version 2.1
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 822 | Sprache EN
€ 20,00

€ 20,00
Uniform Rules for Documentary Credits (UCP 600)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 600 | Sprache EN
€ 20,00

€ 20,00
eBook: Uniform Rules for Documentary Credits (UCP 600)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-600 | Sprache EN
€ 18,00

€ 18,00
eBook: Commentary on UCP 600
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-680 | Sprache EN
€ 40,50

€ 40,50
eBook: Insights into UCP600: Collected Articles from DCI 2003 to 2008
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-682 | Sprache EN
€ 40,50

€ 40,50
eBook: Users' Handbook for Documentary Credits under UCP 600
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-694 | Sprache EN
€ 44,00

€ 44,00
eBook: The Complete UCP Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-683 | Sprache EN
€ 45,00

€ 45,00
eUCP - Version 2.1 (2023)
Pub. Nr. 823E | Sprache EN
Standard internationaler Bankpraxis für die Dokumentenprüfung unter den ERA 600 – ISBP (2023)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 821DeEn | Sprache DE,EN
€ 27,10

€ 27,10
eBook: Standard internationaler Bankpraxis für die Dokumentenprüfung unter den ERA 600 – ISBP (2023)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-821DeEn | Sprache DE,EN
€ 25,20

€ 25,20
International Standard Banking Practice - ISBP (2023)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 821En | Sprache EN
€ 20,00

€ 20,00
eBook: International Standard Banking Practice - ISBP (2023)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-821En | Sprache EN
€ 18,00

€ 18,00
Einheitliche Richtlinien für Inkassi (ERI 522)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 522DeEn | Sprache DE,EN
€ 22,00

€ 22,00
Uniform Rules for Collections
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 522En | Sprache EN
€ 20,00

€ 20,00
eBook: Uniform Rules for Collections
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-522En | Sprache EN
€ 18,00

€ 18,00
URC 522 - Uniform Rules for Collections Including eURC Version 1.1 - Revision 2023
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 824En | Sprache EN
€ 20,00

€ 20,00
eBook: URC 522 - Uniform Rules for Collections Including eURC Version 1.1 - Revision 2023
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-824En | Sprache EN
€ 18,00

€ 18,00
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 825E | Sprache EN
Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligation
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 750 | Sprache EN
€ 20,00

€ 20,00
eBook: Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-750 | Sprache EN
€ 18,00

€ 18,00
ICC Guide to the Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 751 | Sprache EN
€ 65,00

€ 65,00
eBook: The ICC Guide to the Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-751 | Sprache EN
€ 58,50

€ 58,50
Einheitliche Richtlinien für Rembourse zwischen Banken unter Dokumenten-Akkreditiven (ERR 725)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 725DeEn | Sprache DE,EN
€ 11,00

€ 11,00
International Standby Practices ISP98
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 590 | Sprache EN
€ 20,00

€ 20,00
ebook: International Standby Practices ISP98
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-590 | Sprache EN
€ 18,00

€ 18,00
eBook: ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2018-2019
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-807 | Sprache EN
€ 25,00

€ 25,00
eBook: ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2017: New opinions on UCP 600, ISBP 745, URC 522
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-802 | Sprache EN
€ 25,00

€ 25,00
eBook: ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2016 : New opinions on UCP 600, ISBP 681, ISBP 745, URBPO 750
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-799 | Sprache EN
€ 25,00

€ 25,00
eBook: Collected DOCDEX Decisions 2013-2016: Decisions by ICC experts on Documentary credits, collections and demand guarantees
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-786 | Sprache EN
€ 65,00
The DOCDEX system is a rapid and cost-effective means of resolving letter of credit disputes through an expert decision. Cases are decided by a panel of three impartial experts having experience in, and knowledge of, trade finance transactions. Said experts are selected from a list maintained by the ICC Banking Commission. The experts' decision is further scrutinized by the Technical Adviser to the ICC Banking Commission to ensure that it conforms to applicable ICC Banking Rules and/or international standard practice in trade finance. Covering cases from 2013-2016, this is the fourth volume in the series of DOCDEX Decisions. It includes 30 Decisions providing valuable insights into the reasoning behind the experts’ final judgments on the disputes in question. A significant development that has been introduced in this collection is the inclusion of an abstract for all decisions. This approach allows for an encapsulation of key information and summarises each conclusion. Two important indices are also available: Cross-reference of each DOCDEX decision against the relevant ICC rules, which have been divided into articles and sub-articles of UCP, URR, URC, URDG and paragraphs of ISBP. Cross-reference to keywords in both the abstracted and full versions of the decisions. Various versions of ICC rules have been covered: UCP 500/600, URC 522, URR 725, URDG 458/758 and ISBP 681/745. The majority of decisions have application to UCP (16), one of which applies to UCP 500. An analysis of the UCP articles that have attracted the most queries reveals that issues surrounding discrepant documents predominate, followed closely by the standard for examination of documents. It is clear that it is in this area that a lack of knowledge of key procedures can cause problems. The e-pub includes a copy of: the DOCDEX Rules, Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600) and International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents (ISBP) The collection of DOCDEX Decisions complement the ICC Banking Commission Opinions. Together, they are indispensable aids to practitioners seeking to understand how ICC rules are applied in daily practice.

€ 65,00
eBook: ICC Banking Commission Collected Opinions 2012-2016: New opinions on UCP 600, ISBP 681, ISBP 745, URC 522 and URDG 758
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-785 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
eBook: ICC Banking Commission Collected Opinions 2009-2011- New Opinions on UCP 600, ISBP 681, UCP 500, URC 522 and URDG 758
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-732 | Sprache EN
€ 71,00

€ 71,00
The law of Letters of Credit in China
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 736 | Sprache EN
€ 59,00

€ 59,00
eBook: The Law of Letters of Credit in China
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-736 | Sprache EN
€ 59,00

€ 59,00