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Derzeit in Ihrem Warenkorb: 0 Artikel (€ 0,00)
Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit / ADR / Mediation
ICC Arbitration Rules 2021 & Mediation Rules 2014
Pub. Nr. 892Arb | Sprache EN
ICC Schiedsgerichtsordnung 2021 & Mediations-Regeln 2014
Pub. Nr. 892Arb-D | Sprache DE
ICC Dispute Board Rules
Pub. Nr. 873 | Sprache EN
€ 0,00

€ 0,00
Expert Rules
Pub. Nr. 869 | Sprache EN
€ 0,00

€ 0,00
Pub. Nr. 872 | Sprache EN
€ 0,00

€ 0,00
ICC Mediation Guidance Notes
Pub. Nr. 870 | Sprache EN
€ 0,00

€ 0,00
Effective Management of Arbitration
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 866 | Sprache EN
€ 0,00

€ 0,00
eBook: International Arbitration Under Review - Essays in honour of John Beechey
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-772 | Sprache EN
€ 121,50

€ 121,50
The Secretariat’s Guide to ICC Arbitration
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 729 | Sprache EN
€ 119,00

€ 119,00
eBook: The Secretariat's Guide to ICC Arbitration
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-729 | Sprache EN
€ 107,00

€ 107,00
Expedited Rules in International Arbitration - Institute Dossier XVI
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 793 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Expedited Rules in International Arbitration - Institute Dossier XVI
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-793 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
Overriding Mandatory Rules and Compliance in International Arbitration - Institute Dossier XIX
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 808 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Overriding Mandatory Rules and Compliance in International Arbitration - Institute Dossier XIX
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-808 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
A Guide to Arbitration in the UAE
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 804 | Sprache EN
€ 68,00

€ 68,00
eBook: A Guide to Arbitration in the UAE
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-804 | Sprache EN
€ 61,00

€ 61,00
Rethinking the Paradigms of International Arbitration - Institute Dossier XX
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 819 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Rethinking the Paradigms of International Arbitration - Institute Dossier XX
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-819 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
Dispute Prevention and Settlement through Expert Determination and Dispute Boards, Institute Dossier XV
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 792 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Dispute Prevention and Settlement through Expert Determination and Dispute Boards, Institute Dossier XV
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-792 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
Summaries of UAE Courts' Decisions on Arbitration 2012-2016 - Including DIFC Courts Decisions
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 789 | Sprache EN
€ 68,00

€ 68,00
eBook: Summaries of UAE Courts' Decisions on Arbitration 2012-2016 - Including DIFC Courts Decisions
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-789 | Sprache EN
€ 61,00

€ 61,00
eBook: Dispute Resolution and Climate Change: The Paris Agreement and Beyond
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-778 | Sprache EN
€ 49,00

€ 49,00
Jurisdictional Choices in Times of Trouble - Institute Dossier XII
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 755 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Jurisdictional Choices in Times of Trouble - Institute Dossier XII, Insitute Series
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-755 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: Agreed! Negotiation/mediation in the 21st century
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-777 | Sprache EN
€ 58,50

€ 58,50
eBook: Mediation Practice: 8 Cultures, 16 Cases, 128 Creative Solutions (edited by Greg Bond)
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-783 | Sprache EN
€ 58,50

€ 58,50
Explaining Why You Lost - Reasoning in Arbitration - Dossier XVIII
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 810 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00
International arbitrators enjoy a considerable freedom in the conduct of the proceedings and in the decisions they make on the merits of the case.

Subject to few exceptions, their decisions are final. Although absence of jurisdiction, lack of independence or impartiality, breach of due process, excess of power and violation of international public policy may lead to the setting aside of an award, it is rarely the case of wrong decisions on the merits. These are very few juridictions where a superficial assessment of the facts or a misinterpretation of the contract are grounds for setting aside an award. The same applies to an inaccurate application of the law, with the exceptions of some common law countries, such England and the United States.

The discussions on this subject were held during the 39th Annual Conference of the ICC Institute on 17 December 2019. The program was prepared by two experienced members of the Institute Council, Antonio Crivellaro and Mélida N. Hodgson, who were able, with the support of contributors with huge expertise in their respective fields, to cover the various aspects of this fascinating subject and to provide practitioners and scholars with several new paths for reflection.

€ 75,00
eBook: Explaining Why You Lost - Reasoning in Arbitration - Dossier XVIII
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-810 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: Nappert Prize in International Arbitration
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-764 | Sprache EN
€ 62,00

€ 62,00
Addressing Issues of Corruption in Commercial and Investment Arbitration - Institute Dossier XIII
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. 768 | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Addressing Issues of Corruption in Commercial and Investment Arbitration - Institute Dossier XIII
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-768 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: Interest, Auxiliary & Alternative Remedies in International Arbitration - Dossier V, Institute Series
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-684 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: Class and Group Actions in Arbitration - Dossier XIV
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-771 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: Multiparty Arbitration - Dossier VII of the ICC Institute of World Business Law
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-701 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: Players' Interaction in International Arbitration - Institute Dossier IX
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-737 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: Summaries of UAE Court's Decisions on Arbitration
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-746 | Sprache EN
€ 61,00

€ 61,00
eBook: Third-party Funding in International Arbitration - Dossier X, Institute Series
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-752 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: The Application of Substantive Law by International Arbitrators - Institute Dossier XI
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-753 | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50
eBook: International Commercial Mediation Training Role-Plays: Cases from the ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-765 | Sprache EN
€ 89,10

€ 89,10
Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 1996 - 2000
Pub. Nr. 647 | Sprache EN,FR
€ 195,00

€ 195,00
Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 2008 - 2011
Pub. Nr. 748 | Sprache EN,FR
€ 265,00

€ 265,00
eBook: ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin - 2022 Issue 1
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-22BUL1 | Sprache EN
€ 49,00

€ 49,00
eBook: ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin - 2022 Issue 2
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-22BUL2 | Sprache EN
€ 49,00

€ 49,00
eBook: ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin - 2022 Issue 3
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-22BUL3 | Sprache EN
€ 49,00

€ 49,00
eBook: ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2021 - Issue 1
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-21BUL1 | Sprache EN
€ 49,00

€ 49,00
eBook: ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2021 - Issue 2
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-21BUL2 | Sprache EN
€ 49,00

€ 49,00
eBook: ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2021 - Issue 3
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-21BUL3 | Sprache EN
€ 49,00

€ 49,00
Procedural Decisions in ICC Arbitration - 2014 supplement
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. BUL-25-0 | Sprache EN,FR,SP
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Procedural Decisions in ICC Arbitration - 2014 supplement
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-BUL-25-0 | Sprache EN,FR,SP
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
Tackling Corruption in Arbitration
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. BUL24SUP | Sprache EN
€ 75,00

€ 75,00
eBook: Tackling Corruption in Arbitration
Mehr Infos | Pub. Nr. e-BUL24SUP | Sprache EN
€ 67,50

€ 67,50