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Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit / ADR / Mediation | ||||
ICC Arbitration Rules 2021 & Mediation Rules 2014 Pub. Nr. 892Arb | Sprache EN | Download | |||
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ICC Schiedsgerichtsordnung 2021 & Mediations-Regeln 2014 Pub. Nr. 892Arb-D | Sprache DE | Download | |||
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Arbitration proceedings can prove to be very complex and costly. How can you raise funds to cover those rising costs? Despite reservations, the solution offered by third-party funding has now become a fact of life in the world of arbitration.
Dossier X of the ICC Institute of World Business Law gives an overview of arbitration finance and covers delicate issues such as:
Risk management tools for respondents and issues for counsel
Disclosure, Joinder and Impact on Arbitral Proceedings
Third Party Funding in investor-state arbitration
Third Party Funding and collateral litigation
Third Party Funding and “Mass” Claims in Investment Arbitrations
Although Continental countries continue to regard third party funding with suspicion, Anglo-Saxon countries have embraced this solution and already gained experience in the field. This publication analyzes some of the legal issues raised by such funding and the reactions it may arouse amongst international arbitration practitioners. Bringing you the knowledge and experience of some of today's leading experts in the field, the contributions in this Dossier include points of view of financiers, funders, arbitrators and counsel.
The contributors to this Dossier include: Georges Affaki, Christopher Bogart, Antonio Crivellaro, Mark Kantor, Charles Kaplan, Carolyn Lamm, Laurent Lévy, Angelynn Meya and Selvyn Seidel.
The ICC Institute of World Business Law brings together the finest legal minds to strengthen links between international business practitioners and the legal profession. The Institute’s ‘Dossiers’ is a series that has gained international prestige. These Dossiers are the outcome of the Institute’s annual meetings, where experts from around the globe come together to discuss salient issues of international commercial law and arbitration. | ||||