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Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit / ADR / Mediation | ||||
ICC Arbitration Rules 2021 & Mediation Rules 2014 Pub. Nr. 892Arb | Sprache EN | Download | |||
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ICC Schiedsgerichtsordnung 2021 & Mediations-Regeln 2014 Pub. Nr. 892Arb-D | Sprache DE | Download | |||
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The ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin includes sections on Doctrine, Case Decisions (Awards, Procedural Orders), Global Developments, ICC Activities, Book Reviews and ICC Dispute Resolution Practice and Procedure. The editorial board for the Bulletin is comprised of 20 arbitration and dispute resolution specialists from all parts of the world. The eBulletin is published three times a year. Message from Alexis Mourre, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration In Memoriam Emmanuel Gaillard, James Crawford Interview with Alexis Mourre: Achievements and the Way Forward – Questions from the Editorial Board Global Developments: News from Iraq, Uzbekistan, France, Russia, Spain, and Turkey Commentary: International Arbitration with a Client Mindset, by Claudia Salomon, President-Elect of the ICC Court; Scope and Interpretation of Arbitration Agreements under Swiss Law, by Dr. Petra Rihar ICC Commission Reports: Updated Reports ‘Issues for Arbitrators to Consider Regarding Experts’ and ‘Issues for Experts Acting Under the ICC Expert Rules or the ICC Rules of Arbitration ICC Activities: ICC Africa Commission Activity Review, Reports of ICC YAF events, ICC-IAM Mediation Roundtable, ICC SME Labs ‘Dispute Resolution Solutions That Won’t Break the Bank’: ‘ICC SIA & QMUL Symposium on Variations of Hardship and International Disputes, 16th ICC Turkey Arbitration Day Three Book Reviews: Complex Arbitrations: Multi-Party, Multi-Contract and Multi-Issue – A Comparative Study (2nd Ed.); Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards (2nd Ed.); Arbitration in Africa under OHADA Rules | ||||